Quick guide to getting started and basic use of the SV-Reg upload service
Contents of the manual:
- Quick guide for getting started and basic use of the SV-Reg upload service.
Background information: The SV-Reg upload service is a tool to enable schools to enter data into the school administration register (SV-Reg) if no school administration software is available at the school to make this entry automatically. It is therefore not possible for all schools to use the SV-Reg upload service. For clarification, please contact support@bildung.gv.at.
Getting started
The SV-Reg upload service can be accessed via the education portal at https://www.bildung.gv.at.
Directors will find the option to open the SV-Reg upload service in the "Applications" widget, provided the school has been authorised to use it. has been authorised to use it.
Data input
Data entry and maintenance begins with the creation of a new school year. The personal and relationship data can then be either imported centrally or entered manually.
Creating a new school year
Before the personal data can be imported into the tool, a school year must be created. must be created. To do this, click on the "New school year" button on the start page.
Import of personal data
Attention: By importing the personal data, the classes contained therein are are created automatically. The manual creation of classes is only necessary if the import function is not used.
To import personal data, click on "People" in the respective school year and then on "Import data". then click on "Import data".
You can obtain a template for the import by clicking on "Download empty template". You can then fill this file with your data in Excel and use it for the import. for the import. Please note that the columns in the import file are assigned to the data fields in the data fields in the software via the column designation (not via the sequence).
IMPORTANT: If you create or fill the import files in Excel, please save them in the format in the format "CSV - delimiter separated".
You can select the filled Excel file via "Select file" (1) and then upload it via "Import data" (2). Confirm the subsequent warning message with "OK" (3).
Once the import has been completed, you will receive an overview of the success of the import. If individual entries were not imported, you will find them in the "Incorrect" tab. These must be corrected and imported again.
Import of relationships
To import the relationships (legal guardians to pupils), click on "Relationships" in the menu in the respective school year, click on "Relationships" in the menu and then on "Import data".
The rest of the process is similar to the import of personal data (see previous chapter).
Manual data creation / maintenance
To enter or change data manually, click in the desired school year on the respective data type.
Classes and relationships can be maintained directly via the table. Save new or changed entries by clicking on the blue tick.
For personal data, you will be redirected to a separate form by clicking on the Edit button or when creating a new person. button or when creating a new person, you will be redirected to a separate form.
Transmission of data to SV-Reg
Once all the data for the respective school year has been maintained, you can send the changed data to "SV-Reg" either on the page of the school year or via the start page to send the changed data to "SV-Reg".
The status field on the start page or in the school year always provides you with information about the status of the data transfer. You can query this status again via "Refresh".
Click on the last data transfer in the school year or on the respective transfer in the "Data transfers" section on the respective transfer to obtain detailed information on the transfer.
Fields of the person import template
1 | PersonID*) | Unique ID for each person (freely selectable) |
2 | PersonTypeID*) | Type of person 1 = teacher / 2 = pupil / 3 = legal guardian |
3 | Title*) | Salutation |
4 | Surname*) | Surname |
5 | Firstname1*) | Firstname |
6 | Middlename | Middlename |
7 | GenderID | Gender d = Diverse / f = Female / m = Male |
8 | DateOfBirth*) | Date of birth, Format = dd.mm.yyyy |
9 | JobTitle | Job title |
10 | Degree1 | Preceding academic degree |
11 | Degree2 | Subsequent academic degree |
12 | E-Mail (1) | First e-mail address |
13 | E-Mail (2) | Second e-mail address |
14 | Telefonnummer (1) | First telephone number |
15 | Telefonnummer (2) | Second telephone number |
16 | Extraordinary person? | ja (=yes) / nein (=no) (only for students) |
17 | Head of the class | yes / no (only for teachers) |
18 | SAP Personalnummer | SAP personnel number (only for teachers) |
19 | StudentId*) | ID of the student (only for students) |
20 | SocialInsuranceNumber*) | National insurance number |
21 | SFKZ*) | School form code (4-digit number) (only for students) |
22 | StateID*) | Education status 1 = Active / 3 = Completed / 4 = Aborted (only for students) |
23 | CareerFrom*) | Start of training Format = dd.mm.yyyy (only for students) |
24 | CareerTo*) | End of training Format = dd.mm.yyyy (only for students) |
25 | ClassId*) | Class ID (only for students) |
26 | ClassName*) | Name of the class z.B. A1, B2, C4 (only for students) |
27 | UntisName | Name of the class in Untis |
28 | Level*) | School level (only for students) |
29 | CareerDetailFrom*) | Start of the career Format = dd.mm.yyyy (only for students) |
30 | CareerDetailTo*) | End of the career Format = dd.mm.yyyy (only for students) |
31 | Street*) | Street |
32 | Number*) | Number |
33 | Zip*) | Zip |
34 | City*) | City |
35 | Country*) | Country |
36 | Floor | Floor |
37 | DoorNumber*) | Door number |
*) Mandatory fields
Hinweis: Die erste Adresse ist immer der Hauptwohnsitz der jeweiligen Person. Sie können bis zu drei Adressen pro Person eingeben. Die Felder für die weiteren Adressen sind in der Importvorlage enthalten.
Fields of the relationship import template
1 | PersonFrom*) | PersonID of the person with parental authority |
2 | PersonToID*) | PersonID of the student |
3 | PersonRelationTypeID*) | Type of relationship 1 = Mother / 2 = Father 3 = Sister / 4 = Brother 5 = Grandmother / 6 = Grandfather 7 = Others |
4 | LegalGuardian*) | Authorised guardian ja (=yes) / nein (=no) |
*) Mandatory fields