Contents of the manual:

  • Evaluation of pupil master data that does not match the central registration register (ZMR). (consequence: data change in the school administration program).
  • Photo upload for those students who do not have a photo in various registers (identity, driver's license, etc.) or whose photo is too old, driver's license register, etc.) do not have a photo or the photo is too old.
  • Information about edu.digicards issued at the school.

Login to the eco.admin application.

You can log in directly to the eco.admin application using the following link: Direct login to eco.admin.

Note: The persons registered in PM-SAP as principals are automatically authorized for ECO-Admin. If you want to authorize an additional person (e.g. administrator, head of department) of your school for ECO-Admin, activate the application eco.admin for this user.

2. Click button "Employees at federal and private schools"
Registration for employees at federal and private schools
3. Click on the link in the "Applications" widget
Link in widget applications

Basic operation:

  • Extensive filtering options:
    • Text/content filter (Icon to delete the filter for deleting the filter!)
      Expanded menu with examples of filters
    • Filter at "True/False" fields ("X" for clearing the filter!)
      True/False filter example
  • Records with "TRUE check mark" at digicard-ready are fully prepared for the issuance of an edu.digicard!

    Example of a data set

  • Data records with a missing "TRUE" check mark in the "ZMR" column do not match the data from the register or data (e.g. postcode/city) is missing in the school administration data record.

    Measure: Data reconciliation in the school administration with the registration certificate or edu.digicard request. by students (from 14) or guardians (up to 14). This results in an automatic transmission of the correct data according to the registration register to the school (see information letter).

    Note: After a data change in the school administration can check and sychronization. take up to 3 days in an unfavorable case!

    Example of a record with missing data

  • Notes Photo Editing:

    If a valid photo from an official register is available ("check mark" in column R photo), no other photo may or can be used for the edu.digicard. other photo may be used for the edu.digicard.

    Example of a record with photo from official register

    Only in a few individual cases will a photo be uploaded by the school for the functionality of the edu.digicard. (Normal portrait photo is sufficient; no "passport photo criteria" necessary).

    • No register photo available (No check mark in "R photo" column; ZMR check mark available).

      Example of a record without photo from official register

    • Existing photo too old (check mark in column "Photo too old"; ZMR check mark present).

      Example of record with outdated photo from official register

    To upload a photo, the record must be clicked. A picture can be uploaded in the "Substitute photo" area.

    Note: A cropping of the photo after successful upload is possible online!

    Form for uploading a photo

    Afterwards please do not forget "Save" or "Save and close"!

    Buttons for saving and closing the form

    Note: Note: If a new student photo is available in official registers at a later date. is available in official registers at a later date, replacement photos provided by the school will be automatically overwritten.